Learn Hebrew: From the present tense form to the verb’s infinitive form.
Learn how to take any present tense verb (even those you don’t even know)
and use its infinitive form (the To form – To drink, to pay, to buy) quickly!
In this course, we’re going to go over the present tense sound patterns (AKA binyanim)
one by one, and show you how to conjugate them to their Infinitive form quickly.
We’ll also learn a new vocabulary for each sound pattern and practice using them in a sentence.
If you need to review the present tense form, go back to our comprehensive Present Tense Course.
Where you can learn everything you’re missing in under 20 short lessons (including practice lessons & interactive games)
Take a look >> Click here.
For those who are joining us via cellphones: you can navigate between the lessons using the Prev Next buttons at the bottom of the screen
Course Features
- Lectures 14
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level Beginner
- Language English, Hebrew
- Students 246
- Assessments Yes